elliot's archive / 90.3 rlc-wvph fm 2022-2023
忘记他 等于忘记了一切 等于将方和向抛掉 遗失了自己 忘记他 等于忘记了欢喜 等于将心灵也锁住 同苦痛在一起


about me

← Me (REAL!!!) ling + art ⠀guy. likes radio archives ⠀& baseball very normally

Cheesed for the soul

listens to soft rock, jazz, goodbad hyperpop, indie rock, and more. artists i like include Men At Work, SE SO NEON, Xique-Xique, Mid-Air Thief, MF DOOM, & Vulfpeck.

test test help wowwow